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  • Do I need a DNA test before booking my consultation?
    While a DNA test is needed for analysis, you don't need to have results for your consultation. We'll be happy to answer questions and make service recommendations based on your health goals.
  • Can any DNA test be used for analysis and coaching?
    Not all test results can be used, so feel free to ask us about your test. We are able to apply genetic imputation on several different types of test. For instance, 23andMe results can be used. Understand that most tests provide raw data on approximately 600,000 genetic variants. The cost for an analysis package based on raw data is $695. This includes the benefits of our other packages: A report that provides an overview of your genetic profile along with personalized lifestyle recommendations. Three targeted reports with recommendations on key areas of your choice, like anxiety, chronic sadness, nutrient absorption and sleep, just to name a few possibilities. A comprehensive, one-hour genetic interpretation session with one of our experienced Consultants or Coaches.
  • How is this test different from other DNA tests?
    Other DNA tests often only look for variations in a few genes to look at your propensity to express particular traits. The latest research shows that for more complex functions, especially brain function, we need a full analysis of many genes. Also, we use Polygenic risk scores (PRS), which are a numerical estimate of an individual's genetic predisposition to a particular trait or disease. PRS summarizes the estimated effect of many genetic variants on an individual's phenotype. It is calculated as a weighted sum of trait-associated alleles across a large number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The weights are typically derived from effects derived from genome-wide association studies (GWAS). The most satisfying service we offer to customers is one-on-one time with our Genetic Consultants and Coaches. Many other companies create reports that are confusing and even conflicting, with no ability to ask an expert about the meaning of their results. Many people find those reports are useless, and sometimes they even create fear. Knowledge is power. We're here to help you come up with a plan that works for your lifestyle, to help you feel your best.
  • What is epigenetics?
    Epigenetics is the use of DNA analysis to provide actionable insights into your genetic code. Epigenetics most often involves changes that affect gene activity and expression, but the term can also be used to describe any heritable phenotypic change, which may result from external or environmental factors, or be part of normal development.
  • What can epigenetic coaching do for me?
    What could be a better guide to living your life optimally than being able to understand the blueprint of your DNA? Through our cutting-edge epigenetics panels, including our new NeuroEpiGenetix neurotransmitter panel, we can harness the power of DNA analysis to create actionable insights from your genetic code. Our individual epigenetic coaching, targeted to maximize nutrition, supplementation, athletic performance, sleep, hormonal balance, detoxification and now - neurotransmitter balance - can help you feel your best! Check out a sample report here! This report doesn't include our new neurotransmitter panel and is intended to give you an idea of the incredible genetic insights available. Our reports are powered by Aperion Genomics. We can teach you how to change the expression of your genes. For instance, there are genes that are responsible for turning up the fight or flight response when we’re stressed, so we can protect ourselves from danger. However, not all stressors are actually threatening and chronically increased neurotransmitters and hormones can be detrimental to your health. If you knew the best way to turn the expression of these genes down according to your unique DNA, you could significantly increase your ability to rest and relax, increasing your quality of life and overall health.
  • What will my Molecular Health epigenetics report look like?
    Check out a sample report here! This report doesn't include our new neurotransmitter panel and is intended to give you an idea of the incredible genetic insights available. Our reports are powered by Aperion Genomics.
  • What are neurotransmitters?
    Neurotransmitters (NT) are chemical messengers in the brain and body. NTs that live in the brain help manage all the functions in your body, as well as your moods, emotions and thoughts. The nervous system uses NTs to deliver messages either from neuron to neuron, or from neurons to muscles.
  • How can neurotransmitters affect my mental and physical health?
    Healthy neurotransmitter function is essential for feeling your best. Sometimes the body may not produce enough of them, or can't transport them to where they’re needed. It's also possible that there aren't enough receptors to read them, or maybe they can't be used efficiently. Any of these scenarios can lead to an imbalance resulting in poor health or undesirable emotions.
  • What is the NeuroEpiGenetix neurotransmitter panel?
    NeuroEpiGenetix is a proprietary neurotransmitter (NT) panel developed by Molecular Health. This panel can translate the language of your DNA to help you identify variations in your genetic code that may create challenges in maintaining a healthy NT balance. Healthy NT function is essential for feeling your best.
  • Can the NeuroEpiGenetix panel help take the guesswork out of my treatment plan?
    Currently, most professionals create a treatment plan based on symptoms people are experiencing. That plan is often changed several times until symptoms are hopefully relieved. Unfortunately, many neurotransmitters (NT) can create similar symptoms, so there's no way to tell which one is causing the symptoms. Urine panels test for NT metabolites but can't identify how much comes from the body and how much comes from the brain. For example, about 10% of serotonin functions in the brain, with 90% in the gut. If serotonin levels test low, there is no indication of how much of that deficit is in the brain from how much is in the gut. Our NeuroEpiGenetix panel can translate the language of your DNA to help identify variations in genetic code that may create challenges in maintaining your healthy NT balance.
  • Know your Neurotransmitters (A - F)
    Acetylcholine Acetylcholine was the first discovered NT, and is associated with memory function. It is also critical for sleep and attentiveness. The brain contains several cholinergic areas, each with distinct functions; such as arousal, attention, memory and motivation. Adenosine Adenosine regulates cellular energy and has a strong anti-inflammatory influence on immune cells. It modulates GABA, acetylcholine and glutamate to facilitate motor activity. It is involved in suppressing arousal and improving sleep. Decreased adenosine can create a propensity towards anxiety. Anandamide Anandamide’s name is taken from the Sanskrit word “ananda,” meaning bliss, joy and delight. This fatty acid neurotransmitter is often described as "the body's own THC," as it is the naturally occurring chemical in the body that is very similar to THC. It influences physiological systems such as pain, appetite regulation, pleasure and reward. Cytokines The immune system affects the central nervous system through cytokines, which regulate emotions and brain function. The immune system can sense and recognize internal or external stress and is reactive to both types. Research has confirmed stress significantly increases the occurrence and severity of depressive symptoms in people with immunological challenges. Dopamine Dopamine is known as the reward neurotransmitter. It is also important for memory, learning, behavior and muscle movement. The brain releases dopamine during pleasurable activities and when goals are met. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that is most responsive to our thoughts. When you don’t pat yourself on the back for meeting your accomplishments, you’re depriving yourself of a burst of dopamine. Let dopamine be your inner cheerleader and celebrate your accomplishments! Endorphins Endorphins inhibit pain signals and create an energized, euphoric feeling. Stress and pain are the two most common components leading to endorphin release. With high endorphin levels, we feel less pain and decreased stress. Endorphin secretion also enhances appetite control, immune response and hormone release. Enkephalin Researchers have been studying enkephalin’s role in pain transmission for over 30 years. They bind to opioid receptors and are involved with movement, mood, behavior and neuroendocrine regulation. Enkephalins work with epinephrine to give sudden bursts of energy in response to stress in order to either fight or flee. With stable and adequate enkephalin levels, people tend to have a sense of inner calm, wellbeing, euphoria, self-esteem and effective pain management. Epinephrine Also known as adrenaline, epinephrine is involved in the body’s “fight or flight” response and is only released in response to stress or fear. Epinephrine increases heart rate, breathing and muscular strength. It also helps the brain make quick decisions in the face of danger. Epinephrine, along with serotonin and dopamine, help determine mood state and anxiety level.
  • Know your Neurotransmitters (G - K)
    GABA Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) has a calming effect, which reduces anxiety, irritability and restlessness. Stress and tension can be caused by an excess of glutamate, epinephrine or norepinephrine. To counterbalance, the nervous system produces GABA and other inhibitory neurotransmitters that decrease activity in the brain. Glutamate This is the most abundant neurotransmitter in our nervous system. Glutamate is an excitatory relative of GABA that is involved in most aspects of brain functioning, including cognition, learning and memory. The brain requires a perfect balance between glutamate and GABA levels in the brain to facilitate learning and memory. Glycine Glycine also has a calming effect, yet is also a required co-agonist with glutamate. Glycine is a major component of collagen. It also helps to lower body temperature at night, improves memory and cognitive function, reduces wrinkles and suppresses skin damage and photoaging. Histamine As a neurotransmitter, histamine helps control the sleep-wake cycle, decreasing GABA levels during sleep, and increasing norepinephrine and epinephrine levels to create a state of wakefulness and alertness. It increases permeability of the blood-brain barrier. It also influences biological rhythms, thermoregulation, energy metabolism, behavior, stress and neurocognitive function, such as in forming memories.
  • Know your Neurotransmitters (L - P)
    Neuropeptide S Neuropeptide S is a recently identified neurotransmitter, primarily produced by neurons in the amygdala. It significantly affects multiple neuroendocrine, behavioral and inflammatory responses. Neuropeptide S is a potent inhibitor of appetite. It also helps increase arousal and wakefulness while decreasing anxiety-like behavior. Neuropeptide Y Neuropeptide Y enables communication between sensory or motor neurons and the central nervous system. It has several functions, including increasing food intake, storing energy as fat, reducing stress and anxiety, decreasing pain perception, regulating circadian rhythm, reducing alcohol consumption and lowering blood pressure. Its release is induced by stress. Nitric Oxide Nitric oxide is an unusual and recently identified gasotransmitter. It is made when needed from l-arginine. It plays a role in learning and memory, regulating body temperature, food intake, circadian rhythm and hormone release. It also acts as a detoxifier, which is an important part of the immune system. Nociceptin Nociceptin acts in numerous brain functions such as pain sensation and learning from fear. It causes increased sensations of pain. This makes it unique from most opioid peptides, which typically act to decrease pain. It also inhibits anxiety, but unfortunately seems to exacerbate depression. Nociceptin additionally regulates body temperature, learning, memory and hunger. Norepinephrine Norepinephrine is the primary neurotransmitter of the sympathetic nervous system. It is continuously released into circulation at low levels to regulate cognition, motivation and intellect, especially in social relationships, to prevent depression. It is also necessary for memory access, consolidation and retrieval. As part of the body's fight or flight response, norepinephrine quickly provides an accurate assessment of danger or stressful situations, preparing the body to respond to or retreat from an acute threat. Oxytocin Oxytocin is often referred to as the “love hormone,” due to its psychological effects, including increased social behavior and emotion. It plays a role in social recognition, bonding, relaxation, trust and reduced stress responses. Oxytocin assists the body adapt to highly emotive states. Prodynorphin Prodynorphin is processed to form secreted opioid peptides. It is involved in the anticipation and experience of pain. They are also critical in learning and memory. Researchers theorize that extra prodynorphin production encouraged deep emotional bonding and the development of human intelligence.
  • Know your Neurotransmitters (Q - Z)
    Serotonin Often called “the happy chemical,” serotonin is now known to be a complex neurotransmitter. It helps regulate mood, appetite, sleep, and the regulation of appetite and body temperature. Depression used to be thought to be caused by low serotonin. It certainly has a role in depression, but there are several other NTs that can cause depression if imbalanced as well. It can also play a role in anxiety, impulsive behavior, emotional disruption, appetite dysregulation, phobias and poor body image. Research results indicate people can increase serotonin naturally through changing their environment, thought patterns, diet and other lifestyle components.
  • What is nutrigenetics?
    Nutrigenetics is the study of the relationship between nutrients and health, under the influence of the human genome. DNA is used to determine what foods best meet your body's individualized needs.
  • What are nutraceuticals?
    Nutraceuticals are products, which other than nutrition are also used as medicine. A nutraceutical product may be defined as a substance, which has physiological benefit or provides protection against chronic disease. (Source:
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